The Catalogue Of Touch
Earlier this year I was asked by Lili Golmohammadi at University College London to take part in the ‘Catalogue of Touch’ project as part of the Multi Modality and Society School Sage Journal alongside lots of other talented illustrators.
This was a really exciting project, and I loved the collaborative aspects of the project. It was fascinating to see how everyone responded to their creative briefs.
The Catalogue of Touch was conceived as a provocative and playful commentary on the commodification and commercialisation of touch and digital touch through a series of artistic responses.
It imagined a menu of purchasable touch experiences facilitated by touch professionals – these responded to themes from Lili’s research on how people frame touch and digital touch in narratives of loneliness.
The Catalogue was designed to look like a tongue in cheek ‘Which’ catalogue, where you can choose your favourite ‘Touch Experience.’
I was asked to illustrate the phrase ‘Receding into Cocooning Materials’. I interpreted this to be about the experience of being in a cocooning bubble bath, and being surrounded by soft bubbles.
I created an stylised illustration of someone surrounded by bubbles, and also wrote a step by step guide on how to re-create the experience.
You can check out the full Catalogue of Touch online here!
My Original Illustration
The Illustration as it featured in the Catalogue of Touch